Author annawest

LAST CLASS/ FRESH GRADE/ Virtual reality

very good for letting parents know what their kids are doing at school you can see what parents have read the announcements and seen the pictures etc. teacher takes photos of students (with consent from parents) as well as activities… Continue Reading →


Why technology can be used in outdoor learning   Technology enhances outdoor learning and contributes to citizenship   Apps:   iNaturalist   -upload photos and record observations -get help with identifications connect people to nature -generate scientific valuable biodiversity data… Continue Reading →


I will be swaying away from yoga this week to talk to you about the current diet I have been on since November 8th. In a nut shell my gut has been bad for over 3 years and despite many… Continue Reading →

Verena Roberts/ Conference room/ presentations

Today we were in a conference call room and it was fascinating because there were cameras and they would zoom in on your face when you were talking. Myself, Jamie, Hannah, and Ruth   We listened to an online presenter… Continue Reading →

Slow Motion Animation/Digital mapping in the classroom/Digital Literacy

Stop Motion Animation: How to bring it into the classroom: using an ipad, moving post-it notes and moving at timed intervals across the floor. StopMotion: free app you can download to help take pictures Then animated the pictures through Photoshop… Continue Reading →

Technology In the Classroom

SAMR Model: Can think of tech as a substitution for some pen/paper activities in the classroom. Not changing the activity at all. Can augment a lesson with the use of technology to be able to gain a deeper understanding. these… Continue Reading →


Yoga at Keating Cross fit My friend teaches yoga at Keating cross fit and although I don’t enjoy yoga, I was told it was a fun yoga class where everyone is free to laugh and talk from time to time… Continue Reading →

Ed tech group inquiry

Inquiry Question: How does screen time affect elementary aged students?    -sleep -they don’t play like they used to (ex. Nature)  -social development – obesity    -Need to prepare a digital education resource – list of key readings and resources… Continue Reading →

Education and Technology competencies

This is how I have demonstrated the education competencies: Privacy and safety Learning and design Issues in education technology This is how I have demonstrated the technology competencies: Social media Collaboration Curation Media development

Warmth of the fire

This week I sat by the fire Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I changed my Friday fire to Thursday night because I wasn’t focussed on homework so I thought I would do the fire Thursday and save some home work for… Continue Reading →

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